Dam and Pond Map Viewer

Help Guide









Help Content


1.   Dam and Pond Map Viewer 1

Disclaimer Popup  1

Overview   1

Global Search  1

Panel Area  1

Map Area and Tools  1

Map Area  1

Tools  1

2.   Map Viewer Functionality  1

Results Area – Table Format 1

Results Area – List Format 1

3.   Map Viewer Information  1

Consequence Definition Table  1


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1.  Dam and Pond Map Viewer

Disclaimer Popup

When loading the story map application, content on the page will not be accessible before reading and accepting the disclaimer popup. Clicking the “I Accept” button will close the disclaimer and allow you to continue to use the story map. Clicking the “I Decline” button will close the disclaimer and map viewer application. The terms and conditions must be accepted before any further use of the site can be attempted.


The image below shows an overview of the dam safety map viewer application. You will see that it is divided into three different sections:

·         Global Search

·         Panel Area

·         Map Area and Tools


Global Search

Enter a value to search by in the global search bar and press the enter key. Any results returned from your search will appear in the Panel Area.

Panel Area

The Panel Area contains various panels that provide additional map functionality. For example, the Layers panel lists all available map layers that can be displayed on the map. When you click on different panels, the content in the Panel Area changes to show information related to the panel selected. By default, there are three panels visible when the map viewer loads: Layers, Definitions and Dam Filter. Other panels are added to this area when tools and links are used in the viewer.

Layers Panel

The Layers panel lists all the available map layers and provides the following functionality:

·         Click the plus or minus symbols to open or close a layer grouping.

·         Click the check box to make a layer visible or not visible on the map.

·         Click and drag the slider to change the transparency of the layer.

·         Click the arrow to the right of a layer to see options for zooming.


Tip: To see the map legend, click on the Panel Actions menu icon on the top right of the layers panel.

Definitions Panel

This panel contains definitions for all terms used in the dam safety map viewer.

Dam Filter Panel

This panel is used to filter dams on the map.

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Map Area and Tools

The Map Area displays a collection of layers containing different shapes, colours, and symbology that show spatial information relating to the dam safety map. This area also contains basic navigation tools to help you interact with the map. The Tools toolbar on the top right side of the map area holds additional tools that can be used to perform a variety of different tasks. Open it by clicking on the Tools button.

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Map Area

The map area contains different tools and functionality to help you explore the spatial data on the map.

Mouse Controls

Your mouse can control various types of actions, including the following:

·         Use the mouse scroll button to zoom in and out of the map.

·         Double click an area of interest on the map to zoom in to that location.

·         Pan around the map by clicking on an area of interest and holding the left mouse button. Then drag your mouse left, right, up, or down to pan the map in that direction (this can also be done by clicking and holding the mouse scroll button, then moving your mouse).

·         Right click an area on the map to bring the mouse context menu to:

o   Find data on the map using the Identify tool.

o   Draw a point on the map using the Draw tool.

o   Plot a coordinate on the map in this location using the Plot a Coordinate tool.

o   Add some text to the map in the area of interest.

o   Centre the map on the area of interest clicked on the map.

I Want To…

This menu provides quick access to tools also available from the Tools menu. These include:

·         Apply a filter to the dam layer on the map using the Dam Filter tool.

·         Find data on the map using the Identify tool.

·         Change visible map layers from the Layers panel.

·         Return to the initial map extent.

·         Bookmark the current map extent.

·         Export Dams by Consequence to Xls, Xlsx, and CSV file formats.

·         Open the help guide.

Zoom Buttons

To view an area on the map in more detail, click on the   or   buttons to change the zoom level.

Tip: For the best result, centre the map on the area of interest and then use the zoom buttons to zoom in or out of that area.

Map Tips Window

This window will appear when you click on either a features symbol or an area of interest on the map. When a symbol for the Ponds layer is clicked, information relating to it will appear. This window can be closed by clicking on the x on the top right-hand side.


Tip: Clicking on the View Additional Details link will open this information in the Panel Area.



Click on the select basemaps button to choose which basemap to display on the map. Options for basemap display are Open Street Map and World Topographic Map.

Map Coordinates

Click on the map coordinates button to open the widget menu. Map coordinates are displayed as geographic latitude and longitude decimal degrees in the WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere coordinate system. These values update dynamically as the mouse moves around the map area on the screen. It is also possible to change the coordinate system by clicking on the arrow icon beside the coordinate system.

Map Scale

Click on the map scale input box button to open the widget menu. Here you have the option to choose a scale from a dropdown menu to zoom to, or to manually input your own map scale by clicking inside the scale box and clicking the go button.

Tip: After entering a manual input scale and clicking go, the map will zoom to the pre-defined scale closest to your entry. The pre-defined scales can be viewed in the scale input drop down menu.

Scale Bar

The scale bar shows measurements for distances in both metric and imperial units. The scale bar considers projection distortion and dynamically adjusts based on the zoom level of the map.

Overview Map

Click on the overview map button to view an overview of the current map extent.

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The Tools toolbar is located on the top right side of Map Area. Clicking on the tools button will open the toolbar, allowing you to click on the tool you would like to use. Additional tools in the toolbar can be found by clicking on the arrow buttons.

Help Guide

This tool opens this help guide.


Dam Filter

This tool opens up the dam filter panel in the Panel Area and allows you to filter dams on the map by company, sector, consequence, and fluid type.

Find ATS (Alberta Township System)

This tool opens up the Go to ATS panel in the Panel Area and allows you zoom to a section or township based on the Alberta Township System, a grid network that divides the province into parcels of land. Enter the Section (S), Township (T), Range (R), and Meridian (M) that you'd like to search for. If no section is specified, then the tool will zoom to the Township.

Find Address

This tool opens up the Find Address panel in the Panel Area and allows you to find and zoom into an area of interest on the map using an address. A postal code might be required for rural addresses in order to perform the search. Results are sorted based on score, and only results with a high matching score will be shown. The score helps determine how close the returned address is to the one entered into the tool.



Identify features by drawing a rectangle over an area on the map. All the features beneath the shape drawn are listed in the Results Table.


Plot Coordinates

This tool opens up the Plot Coordinates panel in the Panel Area and allows the plotting of coordinates for different areas on the map.


Full Extent

Zooms to the full extent of the map.



Previous Extent

Zooms to the previous extent of the map.



Next Extent

Zooms to the extent of the map before clicking the previous extent tool.




Draws a point graphic on the map on the area clicked on the map. Clicking the arrow will reveal other draw tools that can be used to draw graphics on the map.


Measure distances on the map by drawing a segmented line. Click once to start drawing a line. Click again to start drawing a new line segment. Double click to finish drawing the line. Clicking the arrow will reveal the option to measure an area on the map.

To measure an area of the map by drawing a shape, click once to start drawing a line and click again to start drawing a new line segment. Double click to finish drawing the line, and the area inside the lines will be drawn.



Erase all drawing or measurement graphics on the map.




This tool opens up the Print Map panel in the Panel Area and allows you to print an area of interest on the map. Options to select layout, output format, grid size, map scale, and to add author and title information are available from the panel.

Export Dams

This tool opens up the Export Dams by Consequence panel in the Panel Area and allows export the dams by consequence data to an Excel .xlsx, .xls, or CSV format with a customized file name.


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2.  Map Viewer Functionality

Results Area – Table Format

When features are identified on the map, they appear in a results table at the bottom of the Map Area. Results are grouped based on the layers available in the map viewer, with each grouping represented as a tab. Clicking on each tab will change the features shown in the results area, and only the results relating to that layer will be shown in the table and on the map.

On the top-right corner of the results table are additional tools to change how the results are viewed.


·         The Panel Actions menu provides the following options:

o   Switch to a List – Select this option to move the results into the Panel Area.

o   Show Buffer Options – Use this tool to identify other features near these results on the map.

·         The Maximize/Restore Panel option will maximize the results frame to cover the entire Map Area. Clicking the icon again will change it back to its original size.

·         The Close Panel option will close the results area.

In some cases, a search may generate a large number of results. In these cases, results can be filtered or sorted using a variety of tools available in the results table.

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Results Area – List Format

Switching to the list format will list the results in the Panel Area. Click on a feature in the list to view more information about it. This information will also appear in the Panel Area.

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3.  Map Viewer Information

Consequence Definition Table


Dam Class

Population at risk

[Note 1]

Incremental losses

Loss of life

[Note 2]

Environmental and

cultural values

Infrastructure and





Minimal short-term loss

No long-term loss

Low economic losses; area contains limited infrastructure or services


Temporary only


No significant loss or deterioration of fish or wildlife habitat

Loss of marginal habitat only

Restoration or compensation in kind highly possible

Losses to recreational facilities, seasonal workplaces, and infrequently used transportation routes



10 or fewer

Significant loss or deterioration of important fish or wildlife habitat

Restoration or compensation in kind highly possible

High economic losses affecting infrastructure, public transportation, and commercial facilities

Very high


100 or fewer

Significant loss or deterioration of critical fish or wildlife habitat

Restoration of compensation in kind possible but impractical

Very high economic losses affecting important infrastructure or services (e.g., highway, industrial facilities, storage facilities for dangerous substances)



More than 100

Major loss of critical fish or wildlife habitat

Restoration or compensation in kind impossible

Extreme losses affecting critical infrastructure or services (e.g., hospital, major industrial complex, major storage facilities for dangerous substances)

Note 1. Definitions for population at risk:

None-There is no identifiable population at risk, so there is no possibility of loss of life other than through unforeseeable misadventure.

Temporary-People are only temporarily in the dam-breach inundation zone (e.g., seasonal cottage use, passing through on transportation routes, participating in recreational activities).

Permanent -The population at risk is ordinarily located in the dam-breach inundation zone (e.g., as permanent residents); three consequence classes (high, very high, extreme) are proposed to allow for more detailed estimates of potential loss of life (to assist in decision-making if the appropriate analysis is carried out).

Note 2. Implications for loss of life:

Unspecified -The appropriate level of safety required at a dam where people are temporarily at risk depends on the number of people, the exposure time, the nature of their activity, and other conditions. A higher class could be appropriate, depending on the requirements. However, the design flood requirement, for example, might not be higher if the temporary population is not likely to be present during the flood season.

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